Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Psychotic Episodes to Psychologist

My life was always pretty happy and as a young child, I always had what I wanted. However, at the age of 19, I ended a relationship on bad terms and from then on I began having an inferiority complex and feelings of guilt, which caused me to isolate myself from everyone.

That year, I tried, for the second time, to apply for admission into college, but once again, I was denied. This caused me to close up even more. I spent almost a whole year locked inside my house, without seeing anyone!

Some time later, I was finally accepted into college, but I was not feeling very well and started having psychotic episodes. I was really going crazy!

I began going to different doctors, neurologists and psychologists, who treated me with different medicines and antidepressants.

A year later, around the same time, it started all over again. I was in a new relationship, which ended soon after the episodes started. That's when I think I reached my limit. After all, this was the third time I was falling into depression.

Besides all this, I suffered with constant headaches from the age of 14, which would last for a very long time. Over the years, I tried several treatments but none of them were permanent solutions and it really interfered with school.

I had to be rushed to the emergency room on various occasions because of the pains. Without an apparent reason, I’d faint in the middle of the street and the quantity of medicine I was taking was causing a lot of stomach problems.


Until one day, a friend invited me to go to the Upper Room of the Holy Spirit. Over time, I was completely delivered; I no longer had nightmares, fainting spells or headaches. Everything began disappearing, until finally, I started feeling great!

Before long, I had the opportunity to participate in the Campaign of Israel. It was a difficult time for me because I was finishing my degree. In this Campaign, I asked God for something that seemed impossible. I wanted to get accepted into one of the best universities in Europe, which is located in Barcelona and has an excellent psychology department. Everyone told me that it was impossible for me to get accepted.

However, two hours after I sent my application by e-mail, I received a positive response. So, I went to Barcelona for nine months and got my masters for Clinical Health Psychology.

I truly feel that God has changed me from the inside out, and now I have something I’ve always wanted: peace, happiness and the will to live – the complete control over my life! Today, I’m able to help others!

From my experience, we can only help someone if we’ve overcome a similar problem.

Ana Corte - Portugal

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