Wednesday, November 30, 2011


"In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, eat.’ But He said to them, ‘I have food to eat of which you do not know.’

Therefore the disciples said to one another, ‘Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?’ Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work’."
John 4:31-34

One of the reasons behind the failure in the spiritual life of many assistants is in their food, that is, what they are eating.

Pay close attention to the quality of Jesus’ food.
First, His food was to “do the will of Him who sent Me”. This is the bread and butter of the gospel, it is the foundation that gives us strength to bear the weight of the struggles, trials, persecutions and insults that we will face while doing the work of God.

Doing the will of God is nothing more than sacrificing our own will to obey the Word in everything we do.

A relationship with God includes fasts, daily Bible reading and constant prayer. Sometimes you might not even say anything, you could just be praying in your head. It doesn’t matter, as long as you seek the "good, acceptable and perfect will of God" for your life. Along with constant vigilance in what you say, hear, see, think and feel.

This food has the greatest nutritional value for those who want to be spiritually healthy.

Second, His food was to "finish His work”. He expressed faith with full force by healing, delivering the oppressed and announcing the good news of the kingdom of heaven.

That also describes the beginning of the ministry of many assistants. They were strong, healthy and ready to do the good work. But as time passed, they began to feed from their works and not from the will of God and because of that, they began getting weak and eventually fell by the wayside.

Knowing that if we don’t nourish our bodies properly we will be subjected to all kinds of diseases, the same goes for our spirit. Without the necessary food it will be subject to demons. Isn’t that what we’ve seen recently?


Bishop Sergio Correa

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