Monday, May 30, 2011

I wish every one was like this

This is the same revolt that God expects of His people in regards to their faith.

If you believe in Him,

If he is OUR Father,

And, if He exists, like its commonly believed,

Then, you must manifest a faith and revolt, similar to this teacher’s, before God.

Faith and Revolt walk hand in hand.

Those who have faith in the Living God don’t submit to defeat, or cower in the face of challenges;

And, revolt doesn’t exist without faith.

Congratulations, Teacher!

Watch, school teacher, Amanda Gurgel’s explosive speech

Assistant, pastor’s “right-hand man”.

Assistant, pastor’s “right-hand man”.

I get chills when I see the picture below ... Assistants are an extension of the pastor’s arm, or at least they were, in my time. Both, the pastor and the assistants shared the responsibility of keeping the church in order; of warmly greeting and welcoming those who came into the church.

Before the meeting started, the assistants stood at the door greeting people as they came in, they formed close relationships with some and they followed-up with new members to ensure their spiritual growth.

The assistants knew when and why members stopped coming to church, and whenever someone missed an important meeting, the assistant would go looking for them.

After the meeting, they’d stand in front of the altar, waiting for those who wanted to receive prayer; some still felt burdened, some still felt pain and others requested prayers for their family.

Everyone highly respected the Assistants; they were confident in God and their uniform exuded power, causing the devil to tremble. In fact, even I trembled whenever I approached an assistant to talk to them, because I had so much respect for them.

Back then, not everyone was called to serve as an assistant. Oh no, they weren’t... It was an arduous process. I don’t want to belittle today’s assistants, but it was quite different back then.

In the late 80s and early 90s, assistants were definitely the pastor’s “right-hand person”. Just so you have an idea, I’m going to state some examples you might not have heard before.

Picture this: it’s Sunday, 7:25am and the service should have begun at 7am, but for some unexpected reason, the pastor hasn’t shown up yet to start the service. An assistant picks up the microphone, kneels down, prays, gets back up, looks out into the congregation and says, “Good morning, please stand in the name of our Lord Jesus. The pastor hasn’t arrived yet, but let’s starts the service by seeking God's presence. Sing with me: In this place of adoration, I came to seek You wholeheartedly, All of my life I want to offer You ....

I’ve only seen two assistants start the service for the pastor, ask for tithes and offering, and “preach”, until the pastor arrived and took it from there.

I believe that what crossed those assistants’ minds must have been something like: "Thank you Lord for this opportunity”.

How many times have you seen this happen?

I'm not referring to the pastor’s tardiness, because that rarely happens, but what’s even rarer today, is finding an assistant with the courage to do that.

The pastor didn’t have to feel bad about what happened; he didn’t even have to worry at all. Do you know why?

Because an assistant used to be the pastor’s “right-hand man”.

That's right, his right hand and sometimes his left, too.

Did you know that many of the assistants were in charge of doing services as well? They would be responsible for smaller services, where only a couple of people come to church; for example: Saturdays at 10am or Thursdays at 3pm.

I also remember, assistants being very helpful with baptisms.

Take a look at the painting on the wall of the baptismal pool. Unless I’m mistaken, this was in the 80's. Assistant Isaac hand painted that, which in my opinion, was beautifully done. Now, imagine today, with so many varieties of wallpaper?

That’s right ... the church wasn’t as structured as it is today.

I can truly say that the church was very much like the early church. If anything needed to be done, we’d already start thinking: let's call one of the church members so they can help us solve this problem. I also remember, any time Pastor Randal said something about the church walls being dirty, someone would show up to paint them, with all of their heart.

Time has passed and people have changed, but if you want to be like it was before, I want you to know, that it only depends on you!

We must be different, in order to make a difference!

How many times have we, as assistants in small churches, begun the service for our pastor until he arrived?


Assistant Alexandre Fernandes

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cathedral in Miami


On August 2, 2009, in the heart of sunny Miami, the newest Cathedral of The Universal Church opened its doors to the public. South Floridians from all over came in commemoration of the grand event of faith. The inauguration, which marked a new beginning in the life of many, was led by Bishop Joaquim Fernandes and Bishop Macedo, founder of The Universal Church.

After 18 months of renovations, the 38,000 square ft cathedral opened its doors with an atrium that fits approximately 800 people seated. The meeting place is fully equipped with a granite altar, a baptismal pool and a wide cross on the ceiling measuring 72 ft long and 48 feet wide. The building consists of five floors, which give room to administrative offices, it’s television studio and much more.

Since the grand opening, daily meetings are open to the public three times a day. Other services available to the community include the Youth Power Group, activities for young adults, individual & family counseling, kids classes and much more, all at the free disposal of any who walks through the doors.

The methods used to invite the public include television programs and commercials, distribution of newspapers and door to door invitations, all of which are done with the goal of helping and teaching people how to change their lives through their faith in God. In this way, The Universal Church will continue to grow and to expand around the world.

The cathedral is open all day every day and is located at 3501 W Flagler St


Below is the picture of our Church in Ghana,

Avenue: Adabraka Former warehouse,Close to Adabraka Market.

Help Lines: 0302 222 400, 020 048 7534 or 024 366 8067

Live TV Broadcasts - Sunday 11pm (EST)

Live TV Broadcasts - Sunday 11pm (EST)


As part of the preparations for the Pact with God campaign, which ends on June 5th, Bishop Renato Cardoso along with other pastors and bishops around the U.S. will stream live TV messages on beginning this Sunday May 29th.

We invite you to join us and watch the live broadcasts according to the times below:


To watch the broadcasts, just go to a few minutes before the scheduled time. You should be able to view it from most Internet connections, but of course the faster your connection the better video quality you will experience.

You may also use the above link to view it from most mobile devices with a Wi-Fi connection.

The broadcasts will also be available on Planet Universal’s home page to all Planeteers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Water Baptism 29th May

Water Baptism 29th May

If your life until now were a book of many pages, would you want to rip them out, throw them in the bin and start a brand new story?

If the answer is yes, then you can!

Baptism in water allows you to do just this.

Baptism is the most important decision that a person can make at the beginning of their Christian faith and it allows you to start a new life with God. If you would like to start a fresh page in the book of your life then speak to a pastor or assistant for more information or call our Helpline on 0302 222 400 or 020 048 7534.

He who believes and is baptised will be saved.” Mark 16:16

A Celebration of his sacrifice

Lord's Supper (A Celebration of his sacrifice)

Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper to be reminded of the
most powerful sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made to conquer
our salvation and to grant us access to a blessed life in His name.

There are 7 main benefits of the Lord's Supper:

  • Salvation
  • Communion with God
  • Inner healing
  • Spiritual empowerment
  • Renew your covenant
  • Cleansing from all sin
  • Abundance of Joy

Through the symbol of bread that represents His body and
grape juice that represents His blood, everyone can receive
these benefits through their faith. Learn more by calling
our Helpline on 0302 222 400 or 020 048 7534

Taking place on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30pm. Also at 7am, 10am and 3pm.

Adabraka former warehouse,close to Adabraka Market,

The second Oil_ the oil of the Family

The second Oil_ the oil of the Family

It' not new that the family as an institution is under attack.

There's no shadow of doubt that somewhere in hell, there's a principality in

charge of destroying the very first institution that God created. The devil's
efforts have multiplied in the past few years and, unfortunately he's been successful.

Why does the devil hate your family?

  1. It was the first institution that God created
  2. It's the foundation of society
  3. It symbolises the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
  4. It's where true love is practised
  5. It's where a man and a woman become one body
  6. It's where children find hope for a better future
  7. It's a covenant that symbolises our pact with God
  8. the husband represents the Lord Jesus and the wife represents the Church
  9. A person is stronger when he has a structured family than when he's on his own
  10. God hates divorce

It's much easier to destroy a person when his family is broken. that is why the devil's

strategy is to weaken the family first.

Those who belong to God must be aware of that and be prepared to neutralise the devil's


If there's a plot to attack our family, we must strengthen our defences.

And our best defence is to give God our first oil - to make Him the centre of our


The absence of God in people's lives and in the families is the main reason why evil

has been

able not only to work on but also to destroy them.

If I want to stregthen my family, first I have to strengthen my relationship with God.

I have to be the door through which the blessings will enter my family. Just as evil needs

someone in order to enter and destroy a family, God needs me to enter my home.

To give the second oil to my family means that I have to set an example to them,

in everything that I do.

If you would like to attend this special meeting, you are most welcome.
Join us this Sunday 9:30am (also 8:00am) for The third oil...

Find your nearest HelpCentre or Call our Helpline on

0302 222 400 or 020 048 7534 for more information.

Adabraka Former warehouse,Close to Adabraka Market.

A Pact with God 5th June

A Pact with God 5th June

The Oxford Dictionary defines a pact as a formal agreement

between two individuals or parties.

When you make a pact, you make an agreement which you

intend to abide by until the end. However, earthly alliances

tend to be fragile and easily broken. Marriage is one of the best

examples to understand the meaning of a pact.

When a man and a woman join together in marriage, they start

belonging to each other.

He belongs to her and she belongs to him. That is why the Lord Jesus says that when a man and a

woman get married, they become one body. The pact with God is a serious marriage between God

and a human being. This marriage is what makes the difference between Christians and Christians.

The only way to live a life of fullness and joy is to make a pact with God.

Abraham was the first example of how fruitful a covenant with God can be. This relationship with

the Creator can only be established by faith. He is the model to be followed by those who crave

a quality life. However, many Christians have failed to do their part in their covenant. Can a

partnership survive without the effective participation of its members? Is marriage not a sacrifice

from both ends?

On 5th June, at all UCKG HelpCentres, we will have "The Day of the Covenant with God", where

you will learn how to make a pact with God. This covenant will validate all your demands;

you will give your life to God in exchange for what is His. It will be your ALL for EVERYTHING

that God has! Fulfil your part in the agreement and God will fulfil His.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Ant Pact

DO YOU KNOW WHAT A PACT MEANS?? We shall be talking about the real meaning of a Pact,Whether with God or with the Devil. Next month June we shall have the day of the Pact with God at our Templo of Faith. Venue:Adabraka former warehouse,close to Adabraka Market. Help Lines: 0302 222 400, 020 048 7534, 024 366 8067

Universal Church Of The Kingdoon of God

May 18th:The Ant Pact We visited a place here in Mozambique, where many pacts are made to destroy lives. Among all of the pacts we found, this one really caught my attention. It’s the photograph of a young man; his name and date of birth were written below it, and an ant ran in circles around his name.

We learned that this pact could have been done, so that this young man’s life keeps going around in circles and he never amounts to anything. We also found an article of clothing near the photograph. In this case, we were told that the pact could have been done by a woman, so that he would sleep around with many women but, unfortunately, he’d never settle down with any of them. And how many women are sleeping around with various men without being able to settle down with them either? They’ve fallen victim to a pact with that female spirit that doesn’t allow its victims to be beholden to any man.

This happens in many people’s lives; they fight and struggle ... but never amount to anything. Just like the ant keeps turning but never goes anywhere, the same happens in the life of those who’ve fallen victim to this pact.

Bishop John Leite


May 17th Maiombola: The death Pact In several African countries, during witchcraft rituals, a pact is made where someone’s life is offered in exchanged for material riches. In Angola, for example, that pact is called Maiombola; in Mozambique, it’s called Kuthaca; it’s known under a different name in each African country. Depending on what the person desires, they’ll have to offer the life of a loved one. The person that’s being offered has to be a close family member; preferably, they should have the same bloodline. Regardless of what they ask for, it’s necessary for a brother to hand over his sister, for children to hand over their parents and for parents to sell their children. Here in Africa, this is extremely common.

A woman once told me that she had been sold to the spirits by her father when she was 12 years old in exchange for riches. In this case, the pact is done in the following manner: when the girl turns seven, her father must have sex with her. The purpose of this act is to capture the blood, which usually comes out during the girls first time having sexual intercourse, on a white cloth and offer it to the spirits. The blood represents the life of the person that’s being exchanged for the riches. However, from that moment on, the child belongs to the spirits. They consider her to be their property and they’re her master, or husband.

They don’t allow her to get too close to anyone, she becomes a slave. If she doesn’t seek God, she’ll never get married. She’ll likely have several relationships with men, but she’ll never have a husband. She may have several children, but she’ll never live with their father. Her spiritual life will also be constantly tormented. She’ll be visited every night by a spirit, which in Africa is known as ‘the night husband', that comes to have sexual intercourse with her.

Many women wake up in the morning without underwear, tired and scratched. There are several cases where the man leaves because he’s woken up to the woman whispering as if she were having sexual relations with someone.

Recently, the case of a desperate father was brought to our attention. He brought in his seven year old daughter and explained how the child’s body was used by a spirit while she slept. The father often found his daughter whispering and moving her body, as though she was having sex. This young girl had been sold by her grandfather and will never be able to realize her dream of someday getting married; and if she does, the marriage won’t last very long. Unfortunately, she had been sold and the spirit considered himself to be her master because of the pact that was made.

When a male is sold, he’ll never be able to possess anything, materially speaking. The more poverty stricken he is, the more the other person obtains financial success. The person that sold him can’t help him, or anyone else for that matter, because his misery and suffering represents the happiness and prosperity of the one who made the pact.

And when he dies, the life of the person that made the pact must be given to the spirit in his place. This person will then endure the same pain as the one who died. Only a pact with God can break a pact with evil.

Bishop John Leite


May 16th:The fruit of the Pact


May 15th:A pact for life-Marta Alves

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Holy Oil

The Holy Oil

Call Heaven's Attention.

For thousands of years, olive oil has been used for anointing… as an act of faith. Anointing with oil is like turning on a signal flare to the heavens. It’s a sign to God that you require special attention in a time of need.

A generous amount of this oil from the Holy Land will be given FREE OF CHARGE, in a small bottle, to everyone attending this event at the UCKG on May 15th.

Learn how to use it to anoint the sick, the emotionally distressed, your loved ones and family, your workplace and objects that represent difficulties or challenges in your life.

Please note: Due to the limited quantity, we strongly advise you to call ahead to confirm your attendance and reserve your bottle – strictly one per person only.

Reserve Now, it’s free. Call: 0302 222 400, 020 048 7534

"Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord." James 5:14

Sunday, May 15th, 3 services - 9am, 12noon & 3pm

Venue:Adabraka former warehouse,close to Adabraka Market

True Story Of Faith In Action

When my daughter Emily was 7 years old she started feeling severe pains all over her body. The doctors couldn’t tell us what was happening, but her pains kept getting worse. Eventually my husband and I were hit with the terrible news: Emily had cancer in her bones. Doctors in one of Texas’ best children’s hospital said she was beyond the hope of chemotherapy or radiotherapy and that Emily had only one more year to live. Their best advice was for us to enjoy our daughter to the fullest while she was alive.

I watched the church program late one night and decided to attend with my daughter. I received some Holy Oil and the pastors taught me how to use it in faith to anoint my daughter, which I’d do everyday. I kept believing that a miracle would happen, and it did. The pains began to gradually disappear. New tests were done and to the doctors’ surprise, there was no trace of the cancer anymore. Today Emily is 10 years old, she is growing without any pains, thanks to the power of faith.