Thursday, October 27, 2011

Remember the duck?

During the holidays, two siblings went to visit their grandparents, who lived in the countryside.

The boy made a slingshot to play in the woods. He was always practicing, but never hit the target.

One afternoon, he saw Grandma's pet duck.

Without thinking, he grabbed his slingshot, aimed at the duck and shot him in the head, killing him instantaneously. He was shocked and very sad! He began panicking and decided to hide the dead duck in the woods.

His sister, Beatrice, saw everything but didn’t say anything to their grandparents.

The next day, after lunch, the grandmother said:
- Beatrice, let’s wash the dishes.
But, she said:
- Grandma, Philip told me he wanted help in the kitchen.
She looked over at him and whispered:
- Remember the duck? – So, Philip washed the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children would like to go fishing, but Grandma said:
- I’m sorry, but I need Beatrice to help me make dinner.

Beatrice smiled and said:
- Okay, but Philip said he wanted to help today too.

She looked over at him and whispered:
- Remember the duck?

So, Beatrice went fishing and Philip stayed to help.
After several days, Philip was still doing all of Beatrice’s chores, until he finally could not bear it anymore. He confessed that he killed the duck to his grandmother.

His Grandma hugged him and said:
- Sweetheart, I know ... I was at the window and saw everything, but because I love you, I have forgiven you. I was just waiting to see how long you were going to let Beatrice boss you around!

Whatever happened in your past, whether it had to do with lies, deceit, bad habits, defilements, whatever it may be, you need to know that God was at the window and saw it all happen.

He knows your life and He wants you to know that He loves you and that you're forgiven.

He's just wondering how much longer you’re going to let the devil boss you around.

God is just waiting for you to ask Him for forgiveness because not only does He forgive, but He also forgets.

The price you must pay is to have faith that God will forgive you.

Go ahead, start making a difference and remember: God is at the window and He knows everything!

God's will won’t be revealed to you unless you act by faith.

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