Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Testemony of a Lawyer from Rome

"Good evening, Bishop. I would like to share this testimony with you because it is very strong. Especially, for those of us who have been doing our best to help this woman come to know the Lord Jesus and truly surrender her life to Him. She has a real thirst for His presence and this time she wants to get it right."

Bishop Wagner Simões-Italy

Good evening, Bishop Wagner.

I thank the good Lord that I was present on Sunday, November 13th, for Bishop Edir Macedo’s service and I would like to share my personal experience.

I heard many people criticizing Bishop Macedo, however, I had also heard others speaking very well of him. Because I have a strong personality, I usually judge people right away, sometimes without having met them. But I will not deny that I’ve always been very intrigued by the bishop.

And who would have thought that one day, my faith would be greatly impacted because of this great man of God. Nothing magical or out of this world happened during the service, but the simplicity and power he transmitted showed me a different side to Christianity. Unfortunately, my faith had been destroyed because of a religion.

Without exaggerating and I mean this in a good way, I think he represents to us what the pope represents to Catholics. And through the words that came out of his mouth, filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God showed me what faith truly is.

I have always loved God, but I felt that my religious etiquette acted as an obstacle between us. I was once a devout Catholic, who prayed the rosary, but then I turned to another evangelical religion.

And so, I began to feel like I was perfect ― I paid my tithes, I remained abstinent, I did not smoke or drink, among many other things. However, my life didn’t change. I reached the point of thinking that God was a figment of my imagination.

Bishop Macedo's message about the new birth and the meaning of living in the Kingdom of God, delivered me completely. Do you know why?

Because this message was coming from a man with a faith that is authentic and TRUE. Nothing fabricated, nothing false, nothing hidden; just a SPIRITUAL man who reached out his hand to a SPIRITUAL woman, named Rosaria, to deliver her from the slavery of her own intelligence, from the slavery of her rules and from the slavery of her culture.

The deliverance I received was so great, that I’m unable to put it into words in this e-mail. One thing is for sure: my life changed from that day forth. This date will always remain marked in my calendar.

These last couple of days, I’ve remained in prayer, asking God to bless and protect Bishop Macedo’s life.

I would like to conclude by thanking you for the work that is being done in Italy and a especial thank you to Bishop Macedo, who is a great man of God.

Kind regards,
Rosaria Salomone - Lawyer.

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